Team NSB Competes at the Vermont Corporate Cup

The 40th Annual Vermont Corporate Cup was held in Montpelier on May 11th. Nearly 2000 people, all employees of Vermont businesses and Vermont state agencies, walked, jogged, and raced the streets of the state capital. The Vermont Corporate Cup is an event that celebrates physical fitness in the workplace and aims to promote a more active lifestyle throughout Vermont businesses.
Northfield Savings Bank had 17 employees participate in the in-person event while others opted to participate virtually.
About Northfield Savings Bank
Northfield Savings Bank is the largest bank headquartered in Vermont, with 14 branches serving consumer and commercial customers in central Vermont and Chittenden County. Founded in 1867, NSB has remained a mutual institution throughout its history, focused on strong community impact in the Green Mountain State. NSB’s full range of products and services is detailed at